martes, 31 de marzo de 2020


*Si es el primer día  que entras en el blog, ve hacia abajo y empieza (mira las fechas) de abajo arriba. No hay prisa.

Before we start with our challenge of the day, here you have a super cool game from teacher Antonio for this week:
Play and have fun doing some sport activities !!😎

How are you today? I hope you and your families are great!!
I am very happy and proud!!I am receiving more and more of your e-mails with the videos introducing and describing members of your family and...I just LOVE IT!!💓. Well done!!You are doing a great job!!
If you didn´t send it to me yet, you can do it along this week. Come on!!

Remember that you have to send the video challenge to my e-mail  ( Si pesa mucho y no os deja mandarlo, una opción fácil es bajarle la definición a la cámara del móvil)  and if you have any problems or difficulties you can ask me ;)

Did you finish your daily rutines (date, weather, word of the day and reading?). If you didn´t...STOP READING!!! Take your notebook, do it and come back later. ;).

For the daily routines I remind you the new link with more readings:
If you finished your daily routines but you didn´t make your bed...STOP READING!! Go and make it!!
Did you tidy up your bedroom? If you didn´t....STOP READING!!Go and tidy up your bedroom (don´t be messy, please).
Did you dance and sing a little bit today? Did you practice any brain gym exwrcise?WELL DONE SUPERHEROE!!!

 If you finished your daily routines, you made your bed, tidied up your bedroom , danced and sang, practiced some brain gym and reviewed your superspeller vocabulary (from 1 to 11), remember that playing Play-Dough Pictonary is funnier!!...  WELLCOME to a new superheroes CHALLENGE!!
(don´t stop dancing and singing every day, it makes us healthier and stronger 👍😊)

Today we are going to do reviewing exercises

1. With the daily routines I uplowded a video of opposites you can use for the word of the day (cada uno pone la palabra del día que quiere y hace una frase con ella, los antónimos eran como ejemplo, ya que era lo que estábamos trabajando en clase).Here you have that video again to refresh your mind:

To continue practicing opposites here you have two games. Click, play and selfevaluate (vienen las respuestas!!)

2. In my corner of Wednesdays in class we were working the prepossitions, so here you have a video to review them;

To continue practicing prepositions  here you have two games. Click, play and selfevaluate (vienen las respuestas!!):

3.THE REAL CHALLENGE: play perpositions real life with your toys!!! You can take things in your bedroom and play real life prepositions !! Recuerda que si hablas en alto en inglés y tu familia y vecinos piensan que estás "locatis" siempre es mucho más divertido 😉

Have a great Monday superheroes!!
HUGS AND KISSES FROM MY HOUSE  (#yomequedoencasa)

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