How are you today? I hope you and your families are great!!
How was it with finding the mistakes yesterday?? I hope the riddles were difficult but fun!!
How is it going with the scipt of your videos?? You may practice a lot before you go in front of the camera actors and actesses!!!
Remember that you have one week for that challenge, and if you have any problems or difficulties you can ask me ;) But start practicing!! :)
Did you finish your daily rutines (date, weather, word of the day and reading?). If you didn´t...STOP READING!!! Take your notebook, do it and come back later. ;).
If you finished your daily routines but you didn´t make your bed...STOP READING!! Go and make it!!
Did you tidy up your bedroom? If you didn´t....STOP READING!!Go and tidy up your bedroom (don´t be messy, please).
Did you dance and sing a little bit today? Did you practice any brain gym exwrcise?WELL DONE SUPERHEROE!!!
If you finished your daily routines, you made your bed, tidied up your bedroom , danced and sang, practiced some brain gym and reviewed your superspeller vocabulary (from 1 to 11)... WELLCOME to a new superheroes CHALLENGE!!
(don´t stop dancing and singing every day, it makes us healthier and stronger 👍😊)
- The three mistakes I made in the post yesterday were:
* Rutines : the correct spelling is routines ;)
* Weater : the correct spelling is weather ;)
*Helthyer: the correct spelling is healthier ;)
*Moreover there were two more spelling mistakes (que no cometí a propósito, sino al escribir con el ordenador... por eso debemos revisar siempre bien ) : exwrcise (exercise) and peacticed (practiced).
Os propongo que seáis corrigeteachers!! Si os encontráis errores de spelling cualquier día en el blog ¡¡dejarme un comentario para que lo corrija!! Remember: WE LEARN FROM OUR MISTAKES .
- In the notebook there were two missing words:
The sentence with the word of the day was: "I do excercise every day because to be healthy and strong"
. The correct sentece would be: "I do exercise every day because I want to be healthy and strong".
Did you get it correct?
Today you are going to become artist!!:
Here you have a video to practice your acticng skills (habilidades). Watch it and repeat everything after the teacher, as if you were in the class with the rest of the superheroes 😉
Now you are ready to start practicing your script (Like I explained yesterday)in front of the mirror (espejo): with good entonation, pronunciation. The video needs to last minimum 1 minute ( no maximum !). Remember: describe him/her phisically , clothes he/she is wearing, what he/she likes ... Be original!And remember to follow the examples of the videos of the assistant.
IMPORTANT: when you finish the video and send it to my e-mail (, please send a picture or video of the projects of your maps of Spain too. Mandadme junto con el vídeo de la descripción un vídeo (o foto) de los mapas de España. Repito: todo para la semana que viene, con calma, y si alguien tiene dudas y/o problemas que me diga por Remind, y os ayudo y buscamos soluciones.
Please, continue playing with the maps to travel a lot with our imaginations!! visit the Autonomous Communities, swim in the rivers and seas, clib the mountains !!!and enjoy Spain from your sofa #yomequedoencasa.
Teacher Antonio gave me this link for you:
Click, play and have fun moving your body!!
Have a great day superheroes!!
HUGS AND KISSES FROM MY HOUSE (#yomequedoencasa)
Hello Tania. Other mistake yesterday was latter - later. Bye.
ResponderEliminarThanks Joel! I corrected it ;)