miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2020


*Si es el primer día  que entras en el blog, ve hacia abajo y empieza (mira las fechas) de abajo a arriba. No hay prisa

How are you today? I hope you and your families are great!!
Did you like yesterday´s videos?? Are you ready to be the best actors and actresses  of the school?!
Remember that you have one week for that challenge, and if you have any problems or difficulties you can ask me ;) But start practicing!! :)

Did you finish your daily rutines (date, weater, word of the day and reading?). If you didn´t...STOP READING!!! Take your notebook, do it and come back later. ;).

If you finished your daily routines but you didn´t make your bed...STOP READING!! Go and make it!!
Did you tidy up your bedroom? If you didn´t....STOP READING!!Go and tidy up your bedroom (don´t be messy, please).
Did you dance and sing a little bit today? Did you practice any brain gym exwrcise?WELL DONE SUPERHEROE!!!

 If you finished your daily rutines, you made your bed, tidied up your bedroom , danced and sang, peacticed some brain gym and reviewed your superspeller vocabulary (from 1 to 11)...  WELLCOME to a new superheroes CHALLENGE!!
(don´t stop dancing and singing every day, it makes us helthyer and stronger ;))

Today you are going to become detectives!!:

1. Watch (listen and read) the story and get a good example of how to be a good detective:

2. To be a good detective you really need to pay close attention to the little details (detalles) and if... there is any miskate... find it!!
3. So... find mistakes!!!
- On this post there are three spelling mistakes (come on my superspellers!). Para encontrar los tres errores en todo lo que he escrito hoy,  os puede ayudar comparar con días anteriores.
- On the picture of my example of the notebook with the daily routines there were two missing words.

3. Write the three spelling mistakes  along the post and the missing words on your notebook and wait for the answers tomorrow ;). You can do it!!!
4.Let see how many riddles (enigmas) can you solve!

Good luck and leave a coment if you want to share how many riddles you solved!. Deja tu comentario con los enigmas que resolviste.

Have a great day superheroes!!
HUGS AND KISSES FROM MY HOUSE (#yomequedoencasa)

6 comentarios:

  1. Tania it is very difficult. Only one point. Hugs and kisses.

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. Hello Tania im Paula i check one.Is very difficult

  4. ¡Hello Tania! I'm Ethan. In the video I solved 3 riddles bye

  5. Hello Tania . I’m Mario. I solved 3 mistakes. It was very easy
