How are you today? I hope you and your families are great!!
I am very happy and proud!!I am receiving more and more of your e-mails with the videos introducing and describing members of your family and...I just LOVE IT!!💓. Well done!!You are doing a great job!!
If you didn´t send it to me yet, DO IT WHEN YOU HAVE IT READY!!
Remember that you have to send the video challenge to my e-mail ( Si pesa mucho y no os deja mandarlo, una opción fácil es bajarle la definición a la cámara del móvil) and if you have any problems or difficulties you can ask me ;).
Did you finish your daily rutines (date, weather, word of the day and reading?). If you didn´t...STOP READING!!! Take your notebook, do it and come back later. ;).
For the daily routines I remind you the new link with more readings:
If you finished your daily routines but you didn´t make your bed...STOP READING!! Go and make it!!
Did you tidy up your bedroom? If you didn´t....STOP READING!!Go and tidy up your bedroom (don´t be messy, please).
Did you dance and sing a little bit today? Did you practice any brain gym exwrcise?WELL DONE SUPERHEROE!!!
(don´t stop dancing and singing every day, it makes us healthier and stronger 👍😊)
Today we are going to play the game GUESS WHO:
1. First we need to remember what does who mean! (Recuerdas las palabras que hay detrás de la puerta de clase?):
2. Then, watch this video to get ideas:
3. In this video you have an example of how to play Guess who:
- Practice de questions and the answers with the correct entonation and pronunciation repeating after the kids 😉
3. Are you ready?? Now...Click and play!!
4. Did you have fun? THE REAL CHALLENGE: play Guess who with pictures of your family!!!Take pictures of your family and play with them!!( Si no hablan inglés ellos pueden jugar en castellano y tu traduces ;))
Have a great day superheroes!!
HUGS AND KISSES FROM MY HOUSE (#yomequedoencasa)
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