jueves, 30 de abril de 2020


*Si es el primer día  que entras en el blog, ve hacia abajo y empieza el día 17  de marzo, mira las fechas y ve en orden.
*Si te has perdido algún día, ve al día que te quedaste y sigue en orden. Para no perderte nada. Recuerda que no hay prisa.


How are you today? I hope you and your families are great!!
How was yesterday learning with superheroes ?? Did you create your own superhero with the game??
Here you have mine!!😜

I named her Swimmer

Did you make your bed??If you didn´t...STOP READING!! Go and make it!!
Did you tidy up your bedroom? If you didn´t....STOP READING!!Go and tidy up your bedroom.
Did you start your daily rutines on the notebook ?Remember:

1. What day is it today?
2.What´s the weather like today?
3. The word of the day and the sentence. Today is: swimmer (Click on the word for meaning and pronunciation).
4. Reading.Today we continue with kids with super powers!!!

Did you like the reading? Write the three new words and draw a picture.
Now read about Great Boy and Iron (hierro) Girl and complete the activities.

Did you dance and sing a little bit today? I remind you that dancing and singing makes us healthier and stronger 👍😊).
 Today my recommendation is...
Read the lyrics first, and then, dance and sing very loud!!

If you finished your daily routines, you made your bed, tidied up your bedroom , danced and sang, reviewed your vocabulary (from 1 to 12)...WELL DONE SUPERHEROE!!! You are ready for the challenge!!

Today we are going to enjoy a new chapter of the NINJA KIZS !!!:🦸‍♂️🦸‍♀️

This time they are going to be superheroes!!
Open your ears and try to follow the story. 👂👂👂
Remember to pay attention to the subtitles too.👀👀👀


Did you like it??Was it interesting, funny, difficult...??

Leave your comments bellow!!! Deja tu comentario

Have a great long weekend superheroes!!
HUGS AND KISSES FROM MY HOUSE  (#onedaymoreonedayless)

13 comentarios:

  1. He Tania it`s very interesting and funny the lats part. Kisses and see you soon

  2. Hi Tania!! When I click on swimmer, it goes to excited. Do they mean the same? Kisses

  3. Hello Tania when I click on the Word swimmer I get the Word excited.

  4. Hello Tania, my comment of the video. It is very funny.

  5. And I would like to be ironman superheroe. Kisses.

  6. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  7. Hello Tania,is dificul.I'm Eva kisses.

  8. Hello Tania!! Ninja Kidz are great!!! The video is funny

  9. Hello Tania, I love superhero and ninja kids. This video is very very funny.

  10. Hi. I am Mario. I like very much the justice kidz léage. It is very funny.
