martes, 31 de marzo de 2020


*Si es el primer día  que entras en el blog, ve hacia abajo y empieza (mira las fechas) de abajo arriba. No hay prisa.

Before we start with our challenge of the day, here you have a super cool game from teacher Antonio for this week:
Play and have fun doing some sport activities !!😎

How are you today? I hope you and your families are great!!
I am very happy and proud!!I am receiving more and more of your e-mails with the videos introducing and describing members of your family and...I just LOVE IT!!💓. Well done!!You are doing a great job!!
If you didn´t send it to me yet, you can do it along this week. Come on!!

Remember that you have to send the video challenge to my e-mail  ( Si pesa mucho y no os deja mandarlo, una opción fácil es bajarle la definición a la cámara del móvil)  and if you have any problems or difficulties you can ask me ;)

Did you finish your daily rutines (date, weather, word of the day and reading?). If you didn´t...STOP READING!!! Take your notebook, do it and come back later. ;).

For the daily routines I remind you the new link with more readings:
If you finished your daily routines but you didn´t make your bed...STOP READING!! Go and make it!!
Did you tidy up your bedroom? If you didn´t....STOP READING!!Go and tidy up your bedroom (don´t be messy, please).
Did you dance and sing a little bit today? Did you practice any brain gym exwrcise?WELL DONE SUPERHEROE!!!

 If you finished your daily routines, you made your bed, tidied up your bedroom , danced and sang, practiced some brain gym and reviewed your superspeller vocabulary (from 1 to 11), remember that playing Play-Dough Pictonary is funnier!!...  WELLCOME to a new superheroes CHALLENGE!!
(don´t stop dancing and singing every day, it makes us healthier and stronger 👍😊)

Today we are going to do reviewing exercises

1. With the daily routines I uplowded a video of opposites you can use for the word of the day (cada uno pone la palabra del día que quiere y hace una frase con ella, los antónimos eran como ejemplo, ya que era lo que estábamos trabajando en clase).Here you have that video again to refresh your mind:

To continue practicing opposites here you have two games. Click, play and selfevaluate (vienen las respuestas!!)

2. In my corner of Wednesdays in class we were working the prepossitions, so here you have a video to review them;

To continue practicing prepositions  here you have two games. Click, play and selfevaluate (vienen las respuestas!!):

3.THE REAL CHALLENGE: play perpositions real life with your toys!!! You can take things in your bedroom and play real life prepositions !! Recuerda que si hablas en alto en inglés y tu familia y vecinos piensan que estás "locatis" siempre es mucho más divertido 😉

Have a great Monday superheroes!!
HUGS AND KISSES FROM MY HOUSE  (#yomequedoencasa)

lunes, 30 de marzo de 2020


*Si es el primer día  que entras en el blog, ve hacia abajo y empieza (mira las fechas) de abajo a arriba. No hay prisa.

How are you today? I hope you and your families are great!!
I am very happy and proud!!I started receiving some of your e-mails with the videos introducing and describing members of your family and...I just LOVE IT!!💓. Well done!!You are doing a great job!!
If you didn´t send it to me yet, don´t worry, you can do it this week. But...don´t relax!!!Practice and enjoy it!!
Remember that you have to send the video challenge to my e-mail  ( Si pesa mucho y no os deja mandarlo, una opción fácil es bajarle la definición a la cámara del móvil)  and if you have any problems or difficulties you can ask me ;)

Did you finish your daily rutines (date, weather, word of the day and reading?). If you didn´t...STOP READING!!! Take your notebook, do it and come back later. ;).

For the daily routines I remind you the new link with more readings:

If you finished your daily routines but you didn´t make your bed...STOP READING!! Go and make it!!
Did you tidy up your bedroom? If you didn´t....STOP READING!!Go and tidy up your bedroom (don´t be messy, please).
Did you dance and sing a little bit today? Did you practice any brain gym exwrcise?WELL DONE SUPERHEROE!!!

Today I want to share one song of The Beatles with a very important message, following the lyrics you can undestand it !!Come on! sing and dance with me!!💓💃

 If you finished your daily routines, you made your bed, tidied up your bedroom , danced and sang, practiced some brain gym and reviewed your superspeller vocabulary (from 1 to 11)...  WELLCOME to a new superheroes CHALLENGE!!
(don´t stop dancing and singing every day, it makes us healthier and stronger 👍😊)

Today we are going to play Play -Dough Pictionary: 

We are going step by step:

1.First we need Play - Dough (clay, plasticine). So, here you have two very good videos to learn how to make your own Play-Dough!!

* Si no tenéis colorante alimenticio... don´t worry!! Os dejo ideas para reinvertarnos con lo que tenemos!! #yomequedoencasa ;) 

* If you have glitter (purpurina) you can add some and make it even cooler!! 😉

2. Did you fish your Play-Dough?? It is cool! Isn´t it?

3. Did you play with it? After playing with it...Now you are ready for the CHALLENGE!!!

4. Take  your English notebook and look for all your lists of vocabulary (from 1 to 11). Review them!

5. Play PLAY-DOUGH PICTIONARY !!! how?? Watch the video and learn how to play:

6. Take your vocabulary, make cards with the 11 different topics you have (animals, food, body parts...) . Teach your family how to play (Si no saben inglés les puedes enseñar un montón de palabras)...and have fun!!!

7. Remember that you can use if you don´t remember the correct pronunciation of some words ;)

8.THE REAL CHALLENGE: If today was fun, do it everyday!!! Remember to keep the Play-Dough in a plastic bag in the fridge and you can use it for four weeks!! Keep on playing and practice your vocabulary !!!!

Have a great Monday superheroes!!
HUGS AND KISSES FROM MY HOUSE  (#yomequedoencasa)

viernes, 27 de marzo de 2020


*Si es el primer día  que entras en el blog, ve hacia abajo y empieza (mira las fechas) de abajo a arriba. No hay prisa

IMPORTANTE PARA FAMILIAS (si estás trabajando sol@, avisa para que lean ésto):
 * Utilizar solo uno de los dos correos, si lo mandáis a los dos se anulan entre sí.

How are you today? I hope you and your families are great!!
How is it going with the scipt of your videos?? Did you practice yesterday?
Remember that you have one week for that challenge, and if you have any problems or difficulties you can ask me ;) But start practicing!! :)

Did you finish your daily rutines (date, weather, word of the day and reading?). If you didn´t...STOP READING!!! Take your notebook, do it and come back later. ;).

For the daily routines you had one  link ( Tenemos que seguir leyendo a la vez que escuchamos una historia cada día, escribir tres palabras y hacer un dibujo ¡precioso! Teníais 22 historias  en ese link, sé que no las habéis terminado, pero os dejo alguna nueva, por si queréis cambiar:

If you finished your daily routines but you didn´t make your bed...STOP READING!! Go and make it!!
Did you tidy up your bedroom? If you didn´t....STOP READING!!Go and tidy up your bedroom (don´t be messy, please).
Did you dance and sing a little bit today? Did you practice any brain gym exwrcise?WELL DONE SUPERHEROE!!!

Today I want to share one of my favourites just dance songs with you! (Because I sing in English  following the lyrics and dance every day!!)💃👏😍

 If you finished your daily routines, you made your bed, tidied up your bedroom , danced and sang, practiced some brain gym and reviewed your superspeller vocabulary (from 1 to 11)...  WELLCOME to a new superheroes CHALLENGE!!
(don´t stop dancing and singing every day, it makes us healthier and stronger 👍😊)

Today we are going to help at home: 

We are superhereos and we stay  at home, so we can help at home (¿os acordáis del vocabulario ?): we can make our bed, tidy up our bedrooms, wash up, lay the table...

The challenge today is LAY THE TABLE IN ENGLISH!!!hehehe
Talking in English (van a pensar que estás loc@... y un poco sí ;))  you are going to lay the table.

1. First you need to learn the vocabulary :

2. Watch the video again and pay attention to pronunciation. Repeat after each word.
3.You can start doing it, for breakfast, lunch and dinner (three times a day!).
4. Talk in English while (mientras) you are setting the table. Si piensan que estás muy loc@... que se unan y verán que juntos es más divertido 😉
5. THE REAL CHALLENGE: If today was fun, do it everyday!!!

Have a great weekend superheroes!!
HUGS AND KISSES FROM MY HOUSE  (#yomequedoencasa)

jueves, 26 de marzo de 2020


*Si es el primer día  que entras en el blog, ve hacia abajo y empieza (mira las fechas) de abajo a arriba. No hay prisa

How are you today? I hope you and your families are great!!
How was it with finding the mistakes yesterday?? I hope the riddles were difficult but fun!!
How is it going with the scipt of your videos?? You may practice a lot before you go in front of the camera actors and actesses!!!
Remember that you have one week for that challenge, and if you have any problems or difficulties you can ask me ;) But start practicing!! :)

Did you finish your daily rutines (date, weather, word of the day and reading?). If you didn´t...STOP READING!!! Take your notebook, do it and come back later. ;).

If you finished your daily routines but you didn´t make your bed...STOP READING!! Go and make it!!
Did you tidy up your bedroom? If you didn´t....STOP READING!!Go and tidy up your bedroom (don´t be messy, please).
Did you dance and sing a little bit today? Did you practice any brain gym exwrcise?WELL DONE SUPERHEROE!!!

 If you finished your daily routines, you made your bed, tidied up your bedroom , danced and sang, practiced some brain gym and reviewed your superspeller vocabulary (from 1 to 11)...  WELLCOME to a new superheroes CHALLENGE!!
(don´t stop dancing and singing every day, it makes us healthier and stronger 👍😊)


- The three mistakes I made in the post yesterday were:
* Rutines : the correct spelling is routines ;)
* Weater  : the correct spelling is weather ;)
*Helthyer: the correct spelling is healthier ;)
*Moreover there were two more spelling mistakes (que no cometí a propósito, sino al escribir con el ordenador... por eso debemos revisar siempre bien ) : exwrcise (exercise) and peacticed (practiced).
Os propongo que seáis corrigeteachers!! Si os encontráis errores de spelling cualquier día en el blog ¡¡dejarme un comentario para que lo corrija!! Remember: WE LEARN FROM OUR MISTAKES .

- In the notebook there were two missing words:
The sentence with the word of the day was: "I do excercise every day because to be healthy and strong"
. The correct sentece would be: "I do exercise every day because I want to be healthy and strong".

Did you get it correct?

Today you are going to become artist!!:

Here you have a video to practice your acticng skills (habilidades). Watch it and repeat everything after the teacher, as if you were in the class with the rest of the superheroes 😉

Did you like your acting class actors and actresses??
Now you are ready to start practicing your script (Like I explained yesterday)in front of the mirror (espejo): with good entonation, pronunciation. The video needs to last minimum 1 minute ( no maximum !). Remember: describe him/her phisically , clothes he/she is wearing, what he/she likes ... Be original!And remember to follow the examples of the videos of the assistant.

IMPORTANT: when you finish the video and send it to my e-mail (, please send a picture or video of the  projects of your maps of Spain too. Mandadme junto con el vídeo de la descripción un vídeo (o foto) de los mapas de España. Repito: todo para la semana que viene, con calma, y si alguien tiene dudas y/o problemas que me diga por Remind, y os ayudo y buscamos soluciones.

Please, continue playing with the maps to travel a lot  with our imaginations!! visit the Autonomous Communities, swim in the rivers and seas, clib the mountains !!!and enjoy Spain from your sofa #yomequedoencasa.

Teacher Antonio gave me this link for you:

Click, play and have fun moving your body!!

Have a great day superheroes!!
HUGS AND KISSES FROM MY HOUSE (#yomequedoencasa)

miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2020


*Si es el primer día  que entras en el blog, ve hacia abajo y empieza (mira las fechas) de abajo a arriba. No hay prisa

How are you today? I hope you and your families are great!!
Did you like yesterday´s videos?? Are you ready to be the best actors and actresses  of the school?!
Remember that you have one week for that challenge, and if you have any problems or difficulties you can ask me ;) But start practicing!! :)

Did you finish your daily rutines (date, weater, word of the day and reading?). If you didn´t...STOP READING!!! Take your notebook, do it and come back later. ;).

If you finished your daily routines but you didn´t make your bed...STOP READING!! Go and make it!!
Did you tidy up your bedroom? If you didn´t....STOP READING!!Go and tidy up your bedroom (don´t be messy, please).
Did you dance and sing a little bit today? Did you practice any brain gym exwrcise?WELL DONE SUPERHEROE!!!

 If you finished your daily rutines, you made your bed, tidied up your bedroom , danced and sang, peacticed some brain gym and reviewed your superspeller vocabulary (from 1 to 11)...  WELLCOME to a new superheroes CHALLENGE!!
(don´t stop dancing and singing every day, it makes us helthyer and stronger ;))

Today you are going to become detectives!!:

1. Watch (listen and read) the story and get a good example of how to be a good detective:

2. To be a good detective you really need to pay close attention to the little details (detalles) and if... there is any miskate... find it!!
3. So... find mistakes!!!
- On this post there are three spelling mistakes (come on my superspellers!). Para encontrar los tres errores en todo lo que he escrito hoy,  os puede ayudar comparar con días anteriores.
- On the picture of my example of the notebook with the daily routines there were two missing words.

3. Write the three spelling mistakes  along the post and the missing words on your notebook and wait for the answers tomorrow ;). You can do it!!!
4.Let see how many riddles (enigmas) can you solve!

Good luck and leave a coment if you want to share how many riddles you solved!. Deja tu comentario con los enigmas que resolviste.

Have a great day superheroes!!
HUGS AND KISSES FROM MY HOUSE (#yomequedoencasa)

martes, 24 de marzo de 2020


*Si es el primer día  que entras en el blog, ve hacia abajo y empieza (mira las fechas) de abajo a arriba. No hay prisa

How are you today? I hope you and your families are great!!
How was the challenge labeling your house yesterday?? I hope you had fun and you didn´t drive your families so crazy ( espero que lo disfrutaseis y no volvieseis a vuestras familias muy locas).

Did you finish your daily routines (date, weather, word of the day and reading?). If you didn´t...STOP READING!!! Take your notebook, do it and come back later. ;). You have everything you need to do it (a la derecha donde pone daily routines).

If you finished your daily routines but you didn´t make your bed...STOP READING!! Go and make it!!
Did you tidy up your bedroom? If you didn´t....STOP READING!!Go and tidy up your bedroom (don´t be messy, please).
Did you dance and sing a little bit today? Did you practice any brain gym exercise?WELL DONE SUPERHEROE!!!

 If you finished your daily routines, you made your bed, tidied up your bedroom , danced and sang, peacticed some brain gym and reviewed your superspeller vocabulary (from 1 to 11)...  WELLCOME to a new superheroes CHALLENGE!!
(don´t stop dancing and singing every day, it makes us helthier and stronger ;))

Today we are going to watch some videos from yhe assistants and record (grabar) our own videos at home!!!#yomequedoencasa):

SCRIPT (guión):
Hello! This is my daughter Mila. She is eleven years old.
She has brown eyes. She has medium length, brown, straight hair.
She is tall.
She is wearing her favourite green T-shirt, black shorts, and slippers.

What is your favourite subject?
What do you like doing in your free time?
Who is your favourite singer?
What is your favourite food?
Who is your best friend?


Hello everyone!
Today I am going to introduce you to somebody.
This is….Aurelie Aurelie is French.
She is quite tall. She has glasses, she is wearing a summer hat. She is wearing a purple top, blue jeans, and she is wearing white slippers.
Aurelie, tell us, what do you like?
 “I like chocolate, I like French bakeries, and I like dancing”.
Ah, Aurelie likes chocolate, she likes French bakeries and she likes dancing.
Thank you Aurelie

Hello! I’m going to introduce you to my girlfriend, Maria. Here she is.

She has red glasses. She’s got brown straight hair. 
She is wearing a black jacket. She’s also wearing black jeans, black boots, she’s got pink socks. She’s wearing a brown belt, and she’s also got a white shirt with stripes on it. The stripes are blue, green, red, black, and yellow. She’s also wearing a gold necklace, and a black watch.

Isn’t she pretty? I think so too!

Did you like the videos? :)

Now you are going to :

1. Choose a member of your family. ( No necesitas que hable en inglés, tú le vas a describir y contar lo que le gusta, pero si hay alguien voluntario en tu familia para hacer conversación en el vídeo ... BIENVENIDO!)
2. Take your notebook and pencil.  Write the script (guión) of what are you going to say ( elige cosas divertidas que quieres que lleven el día que grabes el video).
3. To write a good script get the ideas and models of the assistant´s scripts (you have three different ones! puedes hacer una mezcla de los tres también).
4. Pay attention to the pronunciation in the videos and ... practice and memorize your script!!
5. When you are ready ...RECORD THE VIDEO! (Tenéis una semana para hacerlo, dedicarle tiempo a hacerlo bien, y si alguien necesita más tiempo o ayuda que me diga por Remind sin problema).
6. Send the video by e-mail to Si alguien tiene problemas y/o dificultades para enviar el video, que no se preocupe y me diga por Remind.

I hope you enjoy this activity!!Remember we are practicing listening, speaking, reading and writing!!

Have a great day superheroes!!
HUGS AND KISSES FROM MY HOUSE (#yomequedoencasa)

lunes, 23 de marzo de 2020


*Si es el primer día  que entras en el blog, ve hacia abajo y empieza (mira las fechas) de abajo a arriba. No hay prisa

*HELP ME TEACHER!!! chicos, chicas y familias: algunos estáis teniendo problemas para entrar en Flash maps:
- A veces simplemente descargando adobe flash ( darle a la pestañita que dice permitir, si alguien necesita ayuda estoy contestando individualmente por Remind, sin problemas).
- Si aún así no podéis, ¡olvidarlo! ;). Es una herramienta más para aprender la geografía física y política de España de forma divertida, ¡pero hay mil!. Podemos jugar con nuestros proyectos, dibujarlos, hacernos preguntas locas de verdadero o falso, construir puzzles con papel... ¡usemos la creatividad! Si preferís lo digital aquí os dejo más enlaces de juegos interactivos:

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE!! (Familias, el nivel de los súper héroes es perfecto para comprender contextualmente  lo que pone, así que veamos como se desenvuelven ;). Si necesitan ayuda abrirles el diccionario , pero veamos como se desenvuelven).

Did you finish your daily routines (date, weather, word of the day and reading?). If you didn´t...STOP READING!!! Take your notebook, do it and come back later. ;). You have everything you need to do it (a la derecha donde pone daily routines).

If you finished your daily routines but you didn´t make your bed...STOP READING!! Go and make it!!
Did you tidy up your bedroom? If you didn´t....STOP READING!!Go and tidy up your bedroom (don´t be messy, please).
Did you dance and sing a little bit today? Did you practice any brain gym exwrcise?WELL DONE SUPERHEROE!!!

 If you finished your daily routines, you made your bed, tidied up your bedroom , danced and sang, peacticed some brain gym... NOW: Are you reviewing the vocabulary from your notebook (from 1 to 11) ? If you didn´t, STOP reading! go, take your notebook and review your vocabulary (es muy importante que no nos olvidemos de ser SUPERSPELLERS!)

If you finished your daily routines, you made your bed, tidied up your bedroom , danced and sang, peacticed some brain gym and reviewed your vocabulary... WELLCOME to a new superheroes CHALLENGE!!
(no dejéis de bailar y cantar cada día, nos hace estar más sanos y fuertes ;))

Today we are going to label (etiquetar) our houses !!!(¡ya que tenemos que estar en ellas, aprovechemos! #yomequedoencasa):

First watch this interesting video about parts of the house and things you can find inside a house:

1. Listen and repeat after each word.
2. Watch it twice.

Did you watch it two times and repeat after each word with correct pronunciation ? (¡que nos conocemos!jajaja). DO IT PLEASE! ;)

Now let´s go for the real challenge :
1.  There are very easy words and new ones. Choose (elige ) some easy ones that you need to practice spelling (remember we are superspellers) and some new words you want to learn.

2. Take post-its , paper  and tape (celo) or something similar... and LABEL YOUR HOUSE! Remember you can use paper to reuse (3R´s rule!!: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle).
Remember to watch the video for perfect spelling and pronunciation.
(Si vuestras familias participan en el reto corregirles la pronunciación! remember you are the teachers at home ;))

Here you have my own example :)

I had so much fun doing this challenge!! I hope you enjoy it too!!

Have a great day superheroes!!
HUGS AND KISSES FROM MY HOUSE (#yomequedoencasa)

viernes, 20 de marzo de 2020


*Si es el primer día  que entras en el blog, ve hacia abajo y empieza (mira las fechas) de abajo a arriba. No hay prisa

Good morning everyone!! (Familias, el nivel de los súper héroes es perfecto para comprender contextualmente  lo que pone, así que veamos como se desenvuelven ;). Si necesitan ayuda abrirles el diccionario , pero veamos como se desenvuelven).

Did you finish your daily routines (date, weather, word of the day and reading?). If you didn´t...STOP READING!!! Take your notebook, do it and come back later. ;). You have everything you need to do it ( a la derecha donde pone daily routines).

If you finished your daily routines but you didn´t make your bed...STOP READING!! Go and make it!!
Did you tidy up your bedroom? If you didn´t....STOP READING!!Go and tidy up your bedroom (don´t be messy, please).
Did you dance and sing a little bit today? Did you practice any brain gym exercise?WELL DONE SUPERHEROE!!!

 If you finished your daily routines, you made your bed, tidied up your bedroom , danced and sang, practice some brain gym... WELCOME to a new superheroes CHALLENGE!!

Today we are going to travel!! (desde casa, recuerda #yomequedoencasa):

I imagine  you already finished your Social Science proyect (political and relief maps of Spain), if you didn´t, don´t worry, but keep on working ;)
Here you have some models, in case you still have doubts (dudas):

Today #yoviajodesdecasa ;) we are going to travel around Spain from our houses, watch the videos and learn about Spain (Si has termindado los proyectos cógelos y juega con ellos mientras ves los vídeos, para ver lo que tienes y si te falta algo):

This one is in Spanish ;)

Finally here you have a link to FLASH MAPS (La misma web que usamos en informática en el cole para aprender sobre Europa, así que si quieres viajar más lejos desde el sofá #yomequedoencasa, ¡también puedes repasar el mapa físico y político de Europa!)


Good luck and leave a coment if you want to share your points (¡en el juego consigues puntos!).

Have a great day superheroes!!
HUGS AND KISSES FROM MY HOUSE (#yomequedoencasa)

jueves, 19 de marzo de 2020


*Si es el primer día  que entras en el blog, ve hacia abajo y empieza (mira las fechas) de abajo a arriba. No hay prisa

Good morning everyone!! (Familias, el nivel de los súper héroes es perfecto para comprender contextualmente  lo que pone, así que veamos como se desenvuelven ;). Si necesitan ayuda abrirles el diccionario , pero veamos como se desenvuelven).

Did you finish your daily routines (date, weather, word of the day and reading?). If you didn´t...STOP READING!!! Take your notebook, do it and come back latter. ;). You have everything you need to do it ( a la derecha donde pone daily routines).

If you finished your daily routines but you didn´t make your bed...STOP READING!! Go and make it!!
Did you dance and sing a little bit today? Well done!!!

 If you finished your daily routines and you made your bed... WELCOME to a new superheroes CHALLENGE!!

Today we are going to do brain gym:

We are a lot of hours at home, that´s why we need to do some exsercise with our bodies, but we can not forget our brain! Here you have a video with brain gym exercises (algunos los conoceréis porque los hacemos en clase ;), ¡¡pero hay otros difíciles!! ) GO FOR IT!!YOU CAN DO IT!!

GREAT!!!how do you feel now?? Remember that you can write a coment to share something with the rest of the superheroes ;)

THE REAL CHALLENGE: If today it was good, do it everyday!!!You can choose different exercises.

Have a great day superheroes!!
HUGS AND KISSES FROM MY HOUSE (#yomequedoencasa)

miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2020


*Si es el primer día  que entras en el blog, ve hacia abajo y empieza (mira las fechas) de abajo a arriba. No hay prisa.

Good morning everyone!! (Familias, el nivel de los súper héroes es perfecto para comprender contextualmente  lo que pone, así que veamos como se desenvuelven ;). Si necesitan ayuda abrirles el diccionario , pero veamos como se desenvuelven).

Did you finish your daily routines (date, weather, word of the day and reading?). If you didn´t...STOP READING!!! Take your notebook, do it and come back latter. ;)

If you finished your daily routines but you didn´t make your bed...STOP READING!! Go and make it!!

If you finished your daily routines and you made your bed... WELCOME to a new superheroes CHALLENGE!!

Today we are going to move our bodies:

1. Move the table, chairs, lamps, sofa ... and make space for you and your family if they want to join you ;)
Antonio (EF teacher) gave me these recommendations for you!! You have the lirycs (la letra) too, so...sing in English!!! learn the lirycs ( if you don´t understand something, use the dictionary), practice your pronunciation and sing very loud!!!Your neighbours have to listen to you ;)

2.Click play and... SING AND DANCE like you were crazy!!Imagine all the superheroes dancing with you in your house!!!

3. When you finish, lie down (túmbate) on the floor, close your eyes and breath in through your nose and breath out through your mouth three times.

4.Did you finish dancing and singing?
GREAT!!!how do you feel now?? Remember that you can write a coment to share something with the rest of the superheroes ;)

5. THE REAL CHALLENGE: If today it was good, do it everyday!!!You can choose different songs (try to do it with English lirycs to continue practicing! )

Have a great day superheroes!!
HUGS AND KISSES FROM MY HOUSE (#yomequedoencasa)

martes, 17 de marzo de 2020


You can start doing the daily routines we do at school in your own house!!EVERY DAY!!!(TODOS LOS DÍAS)
1.What day is it today?
Today is___________
Yesterday was____________
Tomorrow will be__________________
Here you have a video to review the vocabulary:

2. What´s the weather like today? 
It´s _______________________

3. The word of the day!! In class we were working with opposites, here you have a video with some ideas. But you can make your own word of the day (podéis buscar palabras en el diccionario o de los readings que hagáis), you are the teacher now!!
You have to choose one word and write a sentence with it, and remember to be creative and original! ;)

4. Read and listen(puedes usar cascos) a story from this website (There are 22 stories, page 1 and 2) :
Write on your notebook the title of the story and three new words (English and Spanish). Draw a beautifull picture about it!! :)

- INTENTA HACERLO TAMBIÉN TODO ORAL (¡AUNQUE PAREZCA QUE HABLAS SOLO EN TU CASA!). Los primeros días tendrás que ver los vídeos para ver cómo se escriben y pronuncian las cosas que no recuerdas.

Here you have an example:


¡¡¡Buenos días super héroes  y familias!!!

La idea renovada para inglés y science va a ser este blog, donde diariamente colgaré misiones que como buenos super héroes y heroínas habéis de realizar. Completar estas misiones no será tarea sencilla, ya que no sólo requerirá de vuestras habilidades en inglés... requerirá grandes dosis ingenio, creatividad y muchas veces esfuerzo. Con ésto quiero decir que habrá tareas  que sean de lápiz y papel y otras que nos pondrán a prueba.

En inglés tenemos que trabajar el listenning muchísimo (ya que en casa todo es en español); el reading ( leer es la clave, no lo olvidéis); writing (escribir nos ayuda a comprender) y el speaking (esta va a ser la más graciosa en casa ;) ).

Al principio necesitaréis la ayuda de alguien, pero poco a poco os organizaréis y aprenderéis a entrar en el blog y a hacer la tarea diaria y el reto que toque. Sin olvidar que podemos compartir y hacer ¡que participen todos en el reto!.
La primera dificultad es que el blog es en inglés ( ayudaré por Remind a las familias que lo necesiten), pero a diario sois vosotros quien tendréis que entrar en el blog ver qué toca hacer cada día. ¡Ser los traductores en muchos casos!

 Cada día cogerás tu cuaderno de inglés y harás las rutinas: fecha, tiempo y la palabra del día con su frase. Colgaré la primera entrada para que vayáis y volváis a ver los vídeos cuando lo necesitéis.
Lo siguiente es hacer un reading (colgaré un enlace con 22 historias con listening y podéis elegir cada día la que queráis), escribir en el cuaderno el título, tres palabras nuevas que haya aprendido (con su traducción ) y un dibujo de la historia.

¡Luego cada día una misión diferente!

Tenéis que terminar los dos proyectos y poco a poco os iré contando más cosas. Si ya los habéis terminado (jugar con ellos e intentar recordar toda la información).Tal vez os ayude en alguna misión ;)

Cada día nos espera una nueva aventura, hay que organizarse lo básico, ir incorporando cositas poco a poco, y luego dejarnos sorprender cada día ;)

Un ciberabrazo fuerte.