*Si es el primer día que entras en el blog, ve hacia abajo y empieza el día 17 de marzo, mira las fechas y ve en orden.
* Si te has perdido algún día, ve al día que te quedaste y sigue en orden. Para no perderte nada. Recuerda que no hay prisa.
* Si te has perdido algún día, ve al día que te quedaste y sigue en orden. Para no perderte nada. Recuerda que no hay prisa.
How are you today? I hope you and your families are great!!
How was yesterday with the videos??
I am really happy because I had a lot of pictures of your germinated seeds!!🌱💚
I am really happy because I had a lot of pictures of your germinated seeds!!🌱💚
Did you make your bed??If you didn´t...STOP READING!! Go and make it!!
Did you tidy up your bedroom? If you didn´t....STOP READING!!Go and tidy up your bedroom.
Did you start your daily rutines on the notebook ?Remember:
1. What day is it today?
2.What´s the weather like today?
3. The word of the day and the sentence. Today you can choose one from your vocabulary 1- 12.
4. Reading
For a good reading CLICK ON:
➤ Preparation (listen and repeat!)
➤ The video
➤Documents : En documentos hay tres (NO hay que imprimir nada):
- Story: Read the story again.
-Activities: Do the activities on your notebook. Sí, hay que copiarlas😅. La 4 nos vale para el guión de "Whats is in your fridge?".
-Answers: para ver las respuestas. Recuerda ser honest@ contigo mism@🙏 (Remember to be honest with yourself please).
Did you like the reading?I love the granny in the stoty!😂
My recommendations for today are related to food:😋
Let´s dance and sing very loud!!!🎤🎶
This one doesn´t have lyrics, but you can understand many things!Open your ears!👂👂
If you finished your daily routines, you made your bed, tidied up your bedroom , danced and sang, reviewed your vocabulary (from 1 to 12)...WELL DONE SUPERHEROE!!! You are ready for the challenge!!
Today we are going to practice some ACTING!!!:🎬🎥
You have to be good actors and actresses for the video you will send me.
Here you have some videos to practice your acticng skills (habilidades). Watch it and repeat everything after the teacher, as if you were in the class with the rest of the superheroes 😉
You have to be good actors and actresses for the video you will send me.
Here you have some videos to practice your acticng skills (habilidades). Watch it and repeat everything after the teacher, as if you were in the class with the rest of the superheroes 😉
Now you are ready to start practicing your script (Like I explained yesterday)in front of the mirror (espejo): with good entonation, pronunciation. Remember to follow the examples of the videos of the assistant.
*Teacher Antonio game this activities for you this week:
Have a great day superheroes!!
HUGS AND KISSES FROM MY HOUSE (#onedaymoreonedayless)
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